Growing up Hurt and Humiliate Part 12: Die Harder
I'm beginning to believe that God has installed some sort of Mutant Healing Factor in my DNA, as if you've read in the past (thank you), then you know I've been thrown and kicked by horses and cows, hit by a car, and survived an unsurvivable car crash among other things. Two such injuries happened during my employ at the Florence location of Spencer Gifts. I first started working there in February of 1998. We had a jewelry case of the finest gold and silver in all the lands. The kind that came in on a UPS drop ship. It was kept locked up in a glass case to be displayed for all of Waterloo to come and be in awe of. One day, one of the four fluorescent bulbs went out. I went to turn the breakers to the case off to take out and replace the bulb. The bulbs face inward towards the jewelry to show off the karats. So to change the bulbs, you have to lean into the case. I unscrewed the metal encasement that housed the sockets for the bulbs...